about kat­ja.

Agen­cy exper­ti­se inter­sects with cor­po­ra­te experience.
Pro­fi­ci­en­cy in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on com­ple­ments ana­ly­ti­cal capabilities.
Stra­te­gic acu­men mer­ges with prag­ma­tic momentum.


I deve­lop uncon­ven­tio­nal solu­ti­ons that work. Along the way, I ask the right (cou­ra­ge­ous) ques­ti­ons, reflect on con­texts, and stand by you as an honest spar­ring part­ner with advice - and abo­ve all – ener­ge­tic action.

Crea­ti­ve, goal-ori­en­ta­ted, empha­tic - with a solid ser­ving of humor on board.

Why do I offer mar­ke­ting and coa­ching support?

Over 15 years of working as a team lea­der in PR and mar­ke­ting within a cor­po­ra­te and agen­cy envi­ron­ment, one thing stands out to me - I have an inna­te love for chal­lenges. Whe­ther it be in my per­so­nal or pro­fes­sio­nal life, I am always moti­va­ted to deri­ve spe­ci­fic stra­te­gies that appeal to indi­vi­du­als on a per­so­nal level, inspi­ring and lea­ving them more con­tent. This qua­li­ty is deep­ly roo­ted in my mentality.

In both mar­ke­ting and coa­ching, the ulti­ma­te goal is to explo­re uncon­ven­tio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ties, cul­ti­va­te poten­ti­al, and deli­ver bespo­ke and moti­va­tio­nal solu­ti­ons. That’s why I’ve been prac­ti­sing as a sys­te­mic and agi­le coach for busi­nesses of all sizes sin­ce 2021. I’m thril­led to see how the inte­gra­ti­on of mar­ke­ting and coa­ching could pro­du­ce syn­er­gies that signi­fi­cant­ly bene­fit my clients.

Values are like fin­ger­prints. Nobody’s are the same, but you lea­ve ’em all over ever­y­thing you do.

(Elvis Pres­ley)

I go into each of the pro­jects I take on, into each team I work with, with all facets of my per­so­na­li­ty - with all my values. Take a look at what I stand for and what is important to me per­so­nal­ly in the coope­ra­ti­on - do we fit tog­e­ther? Then feel free to cont­act me!


An authen­tic con­nec­tion is important to me, not only in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, but also in our inter­ac­tion with each other. That does­n’t mean that we always have to agree about ever­y­thing or be best fri­ends - but our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on will always be based on an authen­tic foun­da­ti­on on which we can build gre­at things together.


No, hones­ty is not always fun, but it is often neces­sa­ry to move for­ward. Tog­e­ther, we look the facts in the eye and ask our­sel­ves the ques­ti­ons neces­sa­ry for your pro­ject suc­cess. And at every point in this pro­cess, I wel­co­me your hones­ty - and pro­mi­se you mine.


Deve­lo­ping crea­ti­ve solu­ti­ons that work is what dri­ves me! Whe­ther in the pri­va­te or in the job con­text - let’s dis­co­ver tog­e­ther ways of thin­king out­side the „we-have-always-done-it-this-way“ paths!


I want to know EVERYTHING - well, I’ll sett­le for A LOT. In order to work tog­e­ther suc­cessful­ly, it is important for me to get to know your busi­ness, your idea and you. After that it’s time for the imple­men­ta­ti­on – and for this a healt­hy curio­si­ty does­n’t hurt either!


The­re are very few situa­tions in which humor does not help. In all others I hold the opi­ni­on: Humor is the best life­belt and laug­hing tog­e­ther is always the best path!


+49 [0]163 737 46 12

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